For the third time in a row, wTVision broadcast the state elections for DD News in India, this time for the Delhi state elections, one of the most important states in the country. The graphic concept for these election was created by wTVision’s designers. This project included touchscreen graphics, full screen graphics, ticker and a l-band template, alternating the shown information between results and information about candidates as well as breaking news.
As in the past electoral nights with DD News, all the graphics were presented automatically in both English and Hindi language, following the bilingual broadcast of this channel. To dynamise the broadcast, the studio set included video wall and a touchscreen. The hosts also had a commentator, to assist them with live updates for the election bulletin. Election CG was in the command center, allowing the integration between the official data providers and the real-time graphics.
wTVision provided an end-to-end service that included the graphics project implementation, the customization of wTVision’s software and as usual, the on-site support and operation before and during the election coverage.
wTVision has more experience in election coverage than any other company in the world, having provided a broadcast graphics service in over 90 individual election nights!